Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tak for i dag!

 I can't really believe it; I have been in Denmark for three months! The first two months felt like the unfolded pretty slowly with lots of new things entering my life at a steady pace, and on October first I thought, wow two months. And now it's November. And I don't really know what happened to that third month.  At this point I can foresee that the rest of the year is going to absolutely fly by, and I think this is because - life is normal.  It's just like my life would disappear before my eyes back in Canada, like grade 12 for example, felt like one stressful deadline after another until suddenly I was walking across the stage in cap and gown wondering what happened to my high school years.  I remember it was during one of the last few days of school, as my mom can attest ;), I woke up from a nap and just started bawling! I couldn't believe this period in my life was coming to an end and all of a sudden I felt an enormous sadness for how much I would miss it and all the people who had surrounded me for so many years.  This mini meltdown came as quite a shock to me, as I hadn't realized how much I actually enjoyed high school and suddenly it was all over.

THIS, is not something I want to happen with my year in Denmark, or the rest of my life for that matter.   Already I can see myself becoming lost in the day to day, and in a foreign country! But now that Denmark feels like home, my days have began to melt together and I think I may have lost touch with what I want from this year.  Just last weekend we had a Rotary Get-Together with all the exchange students in the country, including the "Oldies" whom we hadn't gotten together with before.  These students, Australians and Brazilians who have been here since January, have only two months left in Denmark and by the end of the weekend they were pretty emotional about having to leave and saying goodbye to one another.  I might not even be an Oldie yet but already I feel nervous about when that time will come for me! And like I said, I can tell it's fast approaching.  Just like high school, I know I will look back on this year and think what an amazing experience it was and reminisce on all my fond memories, grateful to have had such an opportunity, but I don't want it to be another one of those things I don't appreciate until the chance has past.

So that is my goal.  To live this year, and my life, as if I was looking back on it.  To not get caught up in the inconsequential and menial activities that take up way too much of my time, but to live each day with the big picture in mind, because as John Lennon says, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." Well I know I can be pretty good at planning, but right now, I'd really like to improve upon living. I know that the rest of my exchange will go very quickly and I aim to be grateful for every moment I have!

xxoo Sarah.

Fish for Lunch :)
The Summer House
The North Sea
Fanø, an island we visited.

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